You have several ways to buy our titles and all will get you your typical retailer discount.

We are very supportive of independent booksellers and want to make it as easy as possible for you to sell our titles. If a customer walks into your shop and wants to buy one of our books from you, the answer is Yes!

Web-order it: This is your fastest way of getting a title as we have the only stock.

  • The first time you want to order from us, email for a code at
    You should get it quickly.
    We will look you up online to verify you are a bookseller and send you a coupon code linked to your email so only you can use it.
    It works forever and you can order any of our titles with it, so this is a one-time step.
  • Order the book online from our shop using your code as a coupon code at checkout. This will give you your bookseller discount. Done!
  • We will either ship the title(s) to you, or directly to your customer.
  • Stock is shown in the shop, so you’ll know whether it’s in print before you order. If we have stock it will usually be shipped in a day or two. If it’s not in stock the shop will take back-orders if you want.

Consolidate it with your usual weekly orders:

  • We are not stockline suppliers to any major distributors, but all our titles are registered with Nielsen.
  • Option 1: Order from a major distributor. They will not have stock but they will order it from us through MVB/Pubeasy
  • Option 2: Order it from MVB/Pubeasy if you have that ability.
  • This will get rolled up with their weekly order runs and get sent to us. We’ll send it to them and they’ll send it to you.

More Information

When a reader buys directly from our shop we make a profit. There isn’t enough margin for us to make any money selling through a bookshop regardless of how you buy it. The discount we give you as a bookseller is effectively all our profit. That doesn’t matter. It’s good to support bookshops. It’s another book sold and in the hands of a reader. They’re all sales and might mean we can order a bigger print run next time – everything helps.

We cannot accept returns of unsold titles, or work on a consignment basis. We simply can’t afford that.

We always try to do our best, but very occasionally we have to go on holiday! In those cases we’ll put a note on the shop page so you know when we’ll be back.