1 - Into The Darkness 2 - The Signal Tower Archive Insights Snowflakes Twisted Land

Author Q&A

…I’ve always wanted to write fiction as a form of expression.  Reading back a paragraph or a chapter, and seeing all the imagery rebuilding itself in my mind is a wonderful experience.  It’s a feeling of achievement, of satisfaction.  I’ve never felt that in anything else I’ve done in my life.

Archive Insights Snowflakes

The Importance of Setting

Although the writing gurus are fond of repeating their mantra of ‘show don’t tell’ there is still a place for descriptive writing.  Not everywhere of course, but in works that are heavy on the narrative and what is called the ‘omni’ point of view, it does still work, and stories involving settings are perfect for it.  The flickering flames, the dark shapes against the trees, the sparks, the smoke, the blue skies and clouds, the beautiful sunsets, the sparkling starlit nights, the thunderstorms, and the snowflakes which spiral out of the sky and lend their name to the title of the book.  Billions of snowflakes, one for every soul in the world, and no two the same… or so you might be led to believe.

Archive Insights Snowflakes

Humour and Comedic Moments

People have spent a lifetime studying comedy and have never come to a conclusion about exactly what it is or, for that matter, how to write it, but we all know what it is when we hear it.  That’s probably because there are so many different kinds of comedy and, to some extent, we all find different things funny.